时间:2019-04-12 15:21:49  来源:   点击:





主讲嘉宾: Vasilis Politis教授


For a long time, Chinese and western education system differences between the Chinese teaching method, in comparison with western education pay more attention to discuss and practice, etc., in recent years, the difference of Chinese and foreign education system has to be the concern of the people, the academic salons, Vasilis Politis will be represented by the Oxford University professor, lead us to have a thorough understanding of the western education system.In addition, law is closely related to philosophy, which provides theoretical basis, values and methodology for the study of law. How to study philosophy and how to improve the learning effect of law through philosophy is also one of the main contents of this lecture.

一直以来,中西方之间的教育体制差异较大,相比较中国式的讲授教学法,西方教育更加注重讨论、实践等,近年来,中外教育体制的差异一直为人们所关注,本次学术沙龙,Vasilis Politis教授将以牛津大学为代表,带领我们深入了解西方的教育体制。此外,法学与哲学关系密切,哲学为法学研究提供着理论基础、价值观念和方法论,因此,如何进行哲学学科的学习、怎样通过哲学学习提高法学的学习效果也是本次讲座的主要内容之一。


Vasilis Politis is professor of philosophy at trinity college, university of Dublin, Ireland.He was the director of the department of philosophy and the center for the study of Plato at trinity college, university of Dublin.He received his bachelor's and doctor's degrees from Oxford University.He studies the metaphysics and ethics of Plato and Aristotle.His representative works include the structure of inquiry in Plato's early dialogues and Aristotle and his metaphysics. He has published many excellent papers in top journals of ancient philosophy.

Vasilis Politis 爱尔兰都柏林大学圣三一学院哲学系教授。曾任都柏林大学圣三一学院哲学系主任和柏拉图研究中心主任。先后在牛津大学获得学士和博士学位。研究领域为柏拉图和亚里士多德的形而上学与伦理学。代表作《柏拉图早期对话中的探究结构》和《亚里士多德及其形而上学》在古代哲学顶级期刊发表了多篇优秀论文。



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